They say that if you catch the bouquet (or the garter) at a wedding that means you will be the next to get married. I'm not sure if Andy knew it but his days were numbered when he caught the garter at my brother's wedding last November. Sure enough, just a few short weeks later I happened to see a facebook post with Andy's name tagged by Rachael that said, " I said yes!!" and I knew exactly what that meant. You did well, Andy. You did well.
Brief back-story. Andy is one of my brothers best friends and they have known each other since they were kids. They played on the same soccer team all the way through high school and they have remained friends all this time. It's certainly strange to think how times change because now "little" Andy is all grown up now and about to marry the girl of his dreams, Rachael. =)
Once officially engaged it became time to start planning their wedding and when the email hit my inbox from Rachael, I was excited. Their wedding will be in the fall of this year at one of the most beautiful venues around, Casa Real at Ruby Hill Winery. It's going to be an amazing time and I'm sure I will see a lot of familiar faces there as well. Last weekend we set out to take some engagement photos for Rachael & Andy at a location that was new to me, Sunol Regional Park. They wanted to incorporate a few things that they both loved like baseball...and their (tiny) little dog, Dexter. It was a fun session for hanging out with old friends. They are so comfortable together and easy going it seemed like it was smiles and laughter the whole time! Looking forward to the wedding, guys! Please enjoy some various favorites from our time together. =)